About Us

Who We Are

Neighbor 2 Neighbor Pendleton is comprised of people from all walks of life concerned about the those in our community who do not have a home of their own and find themselves living on the street. We are a combination of volunteers and employees who come from diverse backgrounds and beliefs. Our members are committed individuals, many representing faith-based organizations, service clubs and businesses.   All have come together in an effort to help those in need.

Our Mission

We will provide the homeless in our community with warm and safe overnight accommodations within a quiet and welcoming atmosphere from November 15 through March 15 when the potential for hypothermia is elevated, and with temporary shelter at other times when weather is extreme. We will furnish homeless and other needy individuals basic sustenance in coordination with other local charitable organizations. We will support our homeless in their efforts to end their homelessness.

Our Organization

Neighbor 2 Neighbor Pendleton is a registered non-profit organization governed by a volunteer board of directors. Operations undertaken by N2N are conducted by community volunteers along with a limited number of seasonal employees.  The IRS has classified N2N as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

Neighbor 2 Neighbor is managed by a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors establishes the operational procedures and policies for Neighbor 2 Neighbor.  The Board meets at least once a month.  Meetings are normally held at the N2N building.

Current Board of Directors

  • Chairman and Executive Director: Dwight Johnson
  • Vice Chair/Operations: Shirley Westfall
  • Secretary: Jeanette Herron
  • Treasurer (Acting): Dwight Johnson
  • Vice Treasurer: Tammy Richter
  • Director at Large: Chris Schwartz
  • Director at Large: Mary Crane
  • Director at Large: Dayle Stinson
  • Director at Large: Kit Morgan
  • Director at Large: Willa Wallace
  • Director at Large: Mandy Gawf
Clockwise from lower left: Dwight Johnson, Kit Morgan, Shirley Westfall, Dayle Stinson, Jeanette Herron, Mary Crane, Chris Schwartz, Tammy Richter


Neighbor 2 Neighbor Pendleton is dedicated to transparent, ethical management. Neighbor 2 Neighbor strives for fiscal integrity by emphasizing operational efficiency and attempting to keep administrative expenses to a minimum. No board director or volunteer with Neighbor 2 Neighbor receives any benefits or compensation as a result of their work with our organization.

Neighbor 2 Neighbor files annual tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service. Copies of these returns as well as corporate documents can be found on our Corporate and Tax Documents Page.

Annual contributors are listed on ourSupport Page.

Our Guiding Principles

  • We believe that all persons deserve compassion.
  • We believe that nobody in our community should have to sleep on the streets, especially when the weather is cold.
  • We believe that nobody in our community should go hungry.
  • For those who are capable, we believe in a Hand Up instead of a Hand Out. We strive not to become a toxic charity that enables poor life choices.
  • For those who are incapable of normal function in society due to mental or physical impairment, we believe in providing the needed support to keep them from living on the streets.
  • We believe one of the first steps in ending the toxic cycle is for individuals to take responsibility for their legal obligations. Therefore, Neighbor 2 Neighbor does not provide a refuge from the law and does not tolerate illegal activities.
  • We place the safety of our staff as our first priority and do not tolerate threatening or intimidating behavior.
  • We believe in helping those who want to end their addictions.
  • We believe that how we treat the homeless, hungry and disadvantaged reflects upon us as a community and society.
  • We believe in the power of community volunteers!
Sandy Kimbrow
Founder and First Chairman of the Board

Our History

In the spring of 2011 a group of concerned organizations and citizens met to discuss the plight of the homeless in our community.  The group identified  as its number one priority the need for a winter warming shelter.  Sandy Kimbrow, pastor of the First United Methodist Church, took the lead in this effort.  With the support of many dedicated volunteers and several public meetings, the City of Pendleton agreed that the Pendleton Warming Station could use the city-owned building on 12th Street.

That fall the Warming Station was officially identified as a part of the local Methodist Church.  A Board of Directors was established, policies created and the Warming Station opened its doors on November 15.  Between that time and its closing the following spring the station hosted 88 different individuals and received a total of 1088 visits.  While some in the community had not believed that homelessness was a problem in Pendleton these statistics provided hard evidence of the need for the Warming Station. 

Due to its proximity to Washington Grade School, the city's permit required that the station close by 6:00 AM daily.  In 2012 the Day Center was established to give homeless guests a place to go during those cold morning hours.

In 2013 the Board of Directors re-named the organization Neighbor 2 Neighbor.  In addition to the Warming Station and Day Center, N2N also assumed management for Veda's Breakfast, a Sunday breakfast served by Veda Spencer at the Methodist church to anyone who came.

In 2014 Sandy Kimbrow left Pendleton and Chris Clemons assumed the position of Board Chair and Executive Director. A short time later the board decided to create an independent organization named Neighbor 2 Neighbor Pendleton.  N2N Pendleton was subsequently registered as a non-profit corporation with the state of Oregon.  In 2015 Neighbor 2 Neighbor Pendleton Inc. received a 501(c)(3) charitable organization designation from the IRS.

In 2016 St. Anthony Hospital donated the building they owned at 715 SE Court Avenue to N2N. N2N operations have been conducted from this facility since then.

In January of 2020 N2N suspended its congregate shelter operation due to the COVID epidemic and instituted a motel voucher system in its place.  Increased funding was secured through various grants available for that purpose.  The voucher program was used through the winter of 2022. Food service from Veda's Cafe was reduced to basic snacks. The Day Center operation continued with health mitigations in place.

Congregate shelter at the Warming Station re-opened in the fall of 2023.  Because the volunteer pool at N2N had been reduced so significantly due to the COVID epidemic, N2N had to hire three seasonal employees to staff the Warming Station overnight positions.